Finally, organize your plug-in filters the way YOU use them! 


About Filter Organizer

Filter Organizer is a stand-alone application that allows you to organize the layout of the Filter/Effects plug-ins menu of Photoshop, Painter, and many other popular graphics programs.

Getting the Program/Registration

There is a demo version of this software available for download (68k version is here). The demo is fully functional but will not allow you to save the reorganized plug-in list. You can see how the reorganized list looks, however, by starting your graphics application before quitting FilterOrganizer.

The demo can be converted into a full version of the software by registering. You can register online, or if you prefer, you can register using the Register program included in the download. Here are the instructions for running the Register program.


After extracting from the StuffIt archive, copy the Filter Organizer application wherever you find convenient.

Using the Application

Filter Organizer modifies some resources in your plugin files. For this reason, it is recommended that you back up all the filters in the folder and subfolders that you intend to modify. The application saves the state of the filters so that they may be restored later, but this does not prevent file errors in the case of a system crash or some other unexpected event. Some filters may run self-checks on their resources and refuse to run if modified. For these reasons, it is a good idea to make a copy of your plugins folder and run Filter Organizer on the copy. If everything works to your satisfaction, then you can simply point your graphics application to the new, modified plugin folder.

If you are running any graphics applications which use Photoshop plug-ins, exit those programes first. When the Filter Organizer application is run, it will prompt you to specify your plug-ins directory:

Choose Plug-ins Directory Dialog

It will then scan and sort all the plugins it finds. Once the scanning is done, you can create new categories, rename or delete existing categories, and rename and move plug-ins. Categories and plugin names may be changed by clicking on the name, then editing as needed. Plug-Ins may be dragged from one category to another. To delete a category, click on the category name to select it, then select Delete from the edit menu. The category will be removed and all its contents moved to the "Other" category.

Different graphics application sort their menus differently, so there are options to sort according to those different host applications. If "Painter" is selected, Filter Organizer will sort the filter list like Painter sorts its "Effects" menu. If "Photoshop 3.0" is selected, Filter Organizer will sort the filter list like Photoshop 3.0 does, and so on.

Filter Organizer Window

The "Revert" command will restore all your plug-ins to their original names and categories.

Double clicking on a given filter's name will display in the finder the file that contains that filter.

Version History

More information

This page last modified Tuesday, 20-Apr-1999 22:01:43 EDT